Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sunday Best

Here is Knoxx eating his favorite food, Black Beans. His teeth look so cute in this pic. 

We got all dressed up for church this last Sunday. It has been really nice having church at 1:00. I have so much more time to get ready.  It is also nice to be able to fit back into all of my pre-prego clothes. John took a few pictures of us before we left.  In a few weeks our new church building will be ready and our Church will change times to 9:00 this will be harder on the getting ready side of things but then John will be able to come with us to all of church. Yippee!!!!

The boys looked so cute in the blue shirts and vests.  Greta Jumped in the picture as soon as she saw the camera  she must get that from my side of the family. 

You can see that Knoxx is standing in this picture. He now can stand without holding on to anything(in this pic he is still using his hands to balance). He only stays balanced for a few seconds but it is SOSOSO Cute I don't think I can ever get enough of how adorable it is. 

Rocklond is such a sweetheart after we got home from church I asked him what he learned about in his class. He told me that he said the prayer and prayed that dad would be safe at work.   

He also is learning the primary songs really well. There is one that has a line in it that goes like this "whenever I touch a velvet rose."   He was singing it to me and he said "Whenever I touch a ros-roast beef"   
He loves to have me sing to him the songs that he is learning in primary. He thinks I am super cool because I know all of the words. 

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I love that song about roast beef too!WoW Knoxx will be walking soon!
