Friday, May 24, 2013

May 2013 rat tail and mistborn

At the beginning of this month we said goodbye to the rat tail.  Rockys hair looks so much better. I felt bad making him do it but later he told me he liked how it didn't itch his back anymore. 

I have been baking cakes like crazy. I have probably gained 10 pounds just from testing all the different butter cream recipes.  John was the one who added the blue detail to this cake he did a great Job! but I told him this is for a wedding not a 6-year-olds birthday party. 

I am going to make the cake for my brother in law Jake's wedding.  don't worry about the flaws in these cakes we were just experimenting with the different frosting under the fondant.  

My sister and her 3 kids cam to visit us while their dad in at an Army training. you can read about that trip in more detail here .  

they were here while we had our last day of preschool. I feel very accomplished to have completed my 1st year of teaching.   my preschool was 2 days a week for 2 hours and later we switched to 3 hours.  I had a really great time teaching such cute little kids. we had a total of 5 this year and I will miss seeing them every week.

Rocky has learned a lot and I really like that I was the one to teach him it all. he has learned all of his letters and numbers this year which is such an improvement from last year of preschool where he could barley talk. 

for the last day we had a bike day at the splash pad parking lot. I was impressed with all of the kids biking skills. they all biked for about an hour straight. then we went down to my house for popsicles and lunch. 

here is a cute pic of my sister and her two twins all taking a nap. I when you have 3 kids it is VERY rare that they are all sleeping at the same time and so I took a pic to prove that it does happen (her baby was asleep downstairs so I guess the pic doesn't prove that) 

Once they went home I felt like since there were only two kids again I didn't need to watch them that much. and Knoxx proved that he still needs supervision as he empties the tissue boxes and began dunking his bottle in the toilet.   that was his last bottle and not he is going cold turkey and just drinking from a cup. 

And Last night I did my much anticipated MISTBORN book club.(Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson)  I made Sugar cookies that I sprayed with a metallic food coloring and then wrote the names of all of the Allomatic metals on them. 

The table had a dueling cane, copper coins, and glass vials filled with little flecks of metal.  as well as some yummy food. 

Sierra MIST .... do you get it. my clever friend Sabrina brought that to the party. 
It was a fun night and I wish more people would read the book because I love to talk about it.   
and that is most of the pictures from what we have been up to so far this month. 

1 comment:

  1. Billy and I looked at Mistborn memorabilia at a jewlery store website. Your cupcakes, vials and coins are way cheaper and cuter.
